Wednesday, February 16, 2011

A New Outlook on Life

It has been quite some time since I visited, much less updated, my blog. There have been many changes in my life. I had gotten so heavy and my health was suffering so much. I knew it was time to get it together before I turned into one of my parents.
Don't get me wrong - I love both of my parents. But the thought of having their health issues frightens me a great deal. So I turned over a new leaf.
I started walking - A LOT! I started eating right. I started tracking my food intake and weight on I realized that the more I moved, the more I FELT like moving. The better I ate, the more I enjoyed healthy food. I have discovered the wonderful tastes and textures you get with fruits and vegetables. I have lost my desire and even some of my fondness for sweets and greasy foods. Now when I eat something I know I shouldn't, it really just doesn't sit well on my stomach.
I have lost 45 pounds. I had actually lost a little more. But on December 6, 2010, while power walking, I tripped over Odie. Unfortunately, I broke my hand and my knee. It has been a long recovery. I have just started exercising again. I can't do all that I did before (yet). But I am using the Wii Fit again. I have also started doing some middle eastern dance/exercise along with some of the shows on the Fitness channel.
My sincere hope is that once I have lost enough weight, my health problems will improve - sleep apnea, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, GIRD, and I am not even 50 yet!!!
Well, I am back now, with a new outlook. And I have a strong desire to inspire others to make changes as well. Even small changes will make a difference. And each small change made adds up to big changes in the way you feel and feel about yourself.
I hope I can help even one person - I would love to Pay It Forward. :-)

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